Beer Review: Mirror Pond Pale Ale from Deschutes Brewery
ABV: 5% , IBUs: 40 Deschutes Home
Continuing my work through the Deschutes Variety Pack leads me to the Mirror Pond Pale Ale. A quick story, Mirror Pond Pale Ale was the first Pale Ale I actually tried of my own volition. Primarily a lager drinking in my early beer drinking phase I was slowly being introduced to Pale Ales by forced circumstances. I was never quite sold. Pale Ales tasted like <ugly voice>beer<end ugly voice> to me whereas Lager were flavored water. Deschutes' Pale Ale sold me on trying more and more.
Look: I say "blood orange." Deschutes says "tawny colored." Take your pick but it is pretty to look at. This color comes from the Cascade hops (the only hops used in this beer).
Smell: Hops. Hops. More Hops. I think it's beautiful smelling. As the beer warms up the depth of sweetness in the aroma does increase.
Taste: What drew me to Mirror Pond originally was its full front hoppy flavor. It's not overly bitter and the bitterness merely lingers in a crisp aftertaste. As the beer warms you can recognize some sweetness on the front end. I dare even call it "amber-ish" tasting.
Thoughts: Mirror Pond Pale Ale is a simple beer in my opinion. A simply and delightful pale ale that has hidden elements of sweetness and tons of hoppy goodness. Bitter? Yes, but the 40 IBUs testify that this is well within reason for the average beer drinker.
Rating: B+