All in Art

Book Review: The Forsaken Monarch

Amy Mantravadi has given readers the chance to learn about the whole of Maud’s life and in doing so has honored not only a great woman of history but also an underrepresented and poorly understood period of English and European history. I hope Amy Mantravadi will receive the recognition her research and writing deserve.

Music Review: The Highwomen

While I might not return to listen through this album completely, some songs will stick with me and I’m glad for that. But I imagine I’ll be satisfied with the songs and heroines the Highwomen themselves love.

Music Review: Lover

While I wanted to hate this album wholesale, I simply can’t. It’s not great, and often sounds like a collection of slightly undercooked ideas, but more songs will survive on Lover than on Reputation. It’s also the 2nd best album titled Lover that came last month. 

Book Review: Beyond Authority and Submission

There are a lot of debates and discussions happening within confessionally Reformed and Presbyterian churches centered on gender and sexuality. In some cases, the confessions to which these churches hold are being questioned, re-defined, or even ignored. Beyond Authority and Submission does not entertain or create such a controversy.

the year of Gundersen

It was the Year of Gundersen, a sort of black hole, but an enjoyable one. It was not an easy year for me: I needed company and constance, and found both in his music, which went with me everywhere. You could get into figuring out whether it's serotonin or dopamine or some other kind of chemical response, but I don't even care: it helped.