Girls (and boys and babies) Weekend
What a weekend! Sure, our previous girls weekends may have included events like day-tripping to Fredericksburg for wine-tasting, dressing up to attend musicals, and elaborate meals - but this one included our children! For the first time ever, we all three came together with kids in tow (including two in the womb) which tripled our girls weekend attendance. We day-tripped in Jessi's subdivision for an Easter Egg Hunt, dressed up our kids to attend church, and finished our children's plates. It was wonderful.
The mom-to-be's can just barely be discerned at the top of the photo, then we have Kenzie shaking her "rainstick", Avi swapping her rainstick for bubbles, Judah eating said bubbles lid, and Ben scaling the construction site wall.
Avi, Kenzie, and Ben prior to egg hunt.
Easter Egg Hunt day dawned cloudy, with slight winds - perfect for an outside excursion. Our littles were outfitted with baskets and given explicit instruction, "GATHER EGGS". As you can see above, they pumped each other up prior to the event. Sure enough, each one gathered their limit of eggs and Ben was fortunate enough to find an egg with a special prize (gummy lolipops!).
Kenzie's egg "jackpot". Not sure she picked up another one after this - but no egg was left in this particular vicinity.
Climbing with the big kids.
Caught, and unapologetic. He's a hungry boy!
Both of my children focused on perfecting their climbing skills. Kenzie clambered up bounce house ladders multiple times, thrilling at the slide down the other side. In defiance, Judah kept attempting to breach the kitchen defenses.
Avi, me, and Kenzie in the bounce house.
Ben and Trandi...being crazy! Wonder where he gets it....
Kenzie, Jessi, and Avi at the conclusion of the Egg Hunt.
"When you part from a friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be dearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain." Kahil Gibran.
Soul-sisters near or far. These women are my dearest and best friends. I thank my God for them.
As Judah spent the majority of the weekend foraging for food (attacking the kitchen barrier), Ben was left to hang out with the girls...and perfect his camera face. What a great sport!
Ben and Avi
Ben and Kenzie