
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Augustine's Confessions

Last year (2013) I finished a book I started in 2012: Augustine's Confessions. Some have argued that no other author, save the Apostle Paul, has had a greater influence on Western thought and culture than Augustine. Augustine wrote prolifically on many subjects (most notable theology & political theory). Confessions, however, is perhaps his most renowned work. It is a very unique book due to the fact that it takes on both the form of prayer and autobiography. Here are two of my favorite quotes from the book:

  1. No one loves what he endures, even if he loves to be able to endure it.
  2. He loves you less who together with you loves something which he does not love for your sake.

I had to reread that second one slowly a couple times till it really hit me. Unless all our loves are for the sake of our love to God we are coming short of loving God as we should! This is a humbling thought but is also fruitful to dwell on.

All in all I recommend the book to anyone!

Food for thought.


Lord's Prayer Meditations: “Today” is Perpetual

Lord's Prayer Meditations: “Give” is Gracious