Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.
All in Theology
The knowledge that God’s providence is the determining factor of reality—even when the circumstances are terrifying or full of grief—is a light in the darkness (Psalm 23:4).
In the incarnation, Christ did something better and more complete than all the heroic rescues of medieval romance combined. In emptying Himself of majesty, He gained one seemingly insignificant ability that would become the crowning perfection of His power.
Most Sunday mornings I am, by God’s grace, to be found wobbling up to the rail with other sinners. Any doctrine of the Supper that requires I ascend into the heavenlies to feed there with Jesus is entirely too much to ask of me.
The solution isn't to keep the Bible off-limits and to be told what to believe for fear we will misinterpret it but to learn the principles of handling the Word correctly in the context of a Christian community.
Divine impassibility is our guarantee of the unchanging, absolutely assured love of God for us. What we do not understand may infuriate us at times, but the alternative—a God who can be completely comprehended by a finite mind—is not to be desired.
As ordinary ministers preach the supernatural word of God and the ordinary congregation receives it, we are all washed clean and built up. We are transformed and conformed.
It has provided a foundation and guidebook for navigating the complexities, evils, joys, and sorrows of life. It is so often a weary and weighty task, yet I am immensely thankful for God's truth as an anchor for my soul.
So the question for us readers of these words is simple—can we identify the religious rubbish in our lives that provokes boasting and causes us to diminish Christ and our fellow believers?
The questions before us as we go forward are simple but challenging: will we throw sinners before God in judgment, or will we extend a hand of grace?
So during this month, commit to perpetually praying and striving for your pastors that “the authority of good pastors be established.” While good in intent, a month of focus on pastors will not hinder satan who is attempting to “undermine it by every means.”
Authority in the Church is lost only by those afraid of losing it. As the angels so often say, brothers, fear not.
Our problem is not rooted in our design. God created us good, holy and righteous. That is to say, we were created with a heart inclined towards him with no knowledge of sin or desire to rebel against God. We were all made to do what Adam did: walk with God.
I want us, as conservative Christians, to go back to the Bible and study for ourselves what it teaches about women and men in marriage, church, and society. I want us to be willing to reform our teaching so that we are faithful to Scripture.
The paradox of human sexuality is that the very thing that distinguishes male from female also establishes our fundamentally common human nature. Adam was not born on “Planet Authority” and Eve on “Planet Submission.” In fact, Eve came from a source that could not possibly be any closer—she came from Man himself.