All in Theology

Rejoice when Reviled

Individuals preaching a pure gospel with false reasons, whether for selfish ambition or as part of an attack upon us, should be be disassociated with unto their shame. Not because they are enemies, but precisely because they are our brethren. We are to leave them to God in their lack of maturity as they serve Christ for it brings disunity to the church to highlight their immaturity beyond an initial rebuke.

Book Review: Middle Knowledge

What John Laing has provided is a porous evangelical, Baptist-traditionalist/Arminian-leaning systematic theology with middle knowledge at the center of every doctrine. However, Middle Knowledge: Human Freedom in Divine Sovereignty is neither ordered for a systematic theology nor in possession of the clarity of conclusion for a primer on its variant of Molinism.

The Angelic Announcement is Ours

When Advent is celebrated correctly, the whole heart is meditating on the magnificent glory of God. "In spirit and in truth" (Jn. 4:24), we "bend before Him" and "His greatness celebrate" by His grace. After four weeks of anticipation, the Angelic announcement is once again ours.