
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Introducing C.S. Lewis Week

Introducing C.S. Lewis Week

Clive Staples Lewis died this on this day November 22nd, 1963 in Oxford, England. He was born on November 29th, 1898 in Belfast, Ireland. He was preceded in death by his wife Joy Davidman (occasioned the writing of A Grief Observed). He and his wife had no children — yet one of his best-known works, The Chronicles of Narnia, were for children. In place of no surviving offspring, it seems God has seen fit to provide Lewis with multiple generations of Christian influence. This includes many of the writers here at Torrey Gazette.

Starting today and lasting till next Sunday, we will be celebrating #LewisWeek by posting articles inspired by the man and his numerous writings. We courage everyone to tune in daily and celebrate with us. This will not be a collection of technical essays in honor of C.S. Lewis (though watch out my wife is pretty knowledgeable). These will be very practical posts from people who have drank moderately from the wealth of Lewis' thought provoking material. The atheist turned Anglican had a keen mind and provided many provocative insights on the world, ethics, and Christianity. One cannot read Lewis without on occasion shaking your head vehemently in disagreement or rapturous delight. We hope that through #LewisWeek you get to see some of that headshaking.

If you are new to Lewis, or on your fourth copy of The Chronicles of Narnia we hope you enjoy this tribute of practical posts to one of the church's great treasures.

An Author Observed from Hannah Sproul

Lingua de Lewis from Alaina Torrey

Son of Earth, Shall We Be Friends? by R. Campbell Sproul

Why I'm Glad That C.S. Lewis Is Dead by Hanna D

All Things to All Men by John Edward Knox

What Would Have Happened? by Michael Salinas

pain & progress by Danielle Pollock

On C.S. Lewis and the Relentless God by Hanna D

Awakened From Cold Vulgarity by Michael Hansen

The Republic of Malacandra by Alaina Torrey

Only Under Torture by Corey Poff

A Sprawling Essay by Mathew B. Sims

To Heaven & Back: A Liturgy That Hurts by Joshua Torrey

Lingua de Lewis

Lingua de Lewis

Atul Gawande and Henry Lyte: Medicine, Hymnody, and Death

Atul Gawande and Henry Lyte: Medicine, Hymnody, and Death