
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Wanting Unhappiness

Our society is hellbent on individualism. It is bent this way to such a degree that the ultimate measure of our current moral code is the desires of an individual. The problem with this is the assumption that an individual knows what is best for himself/herself. This is not the way God made the world to work.

The reason God gives children to parents (and doesn't have them just spring up out of the ground) is because a fully grown parent knows what is best for a child. When a three year old boy throws a hissy fit before dinner because mom won't give him the cookies he's asking for, it is because mom knows that she has something better for him. Unfortunately, we've come to the place in our society where it is the desires of the undeveloped person that win the day. A confused tween in California can't figure out if they would rather be a boy or a girl; instead of guiding the child toward what is best for them our culture assumes that the child's feelings could never let them down and therefore lets them use whatever bathroom they want. We are proving that we are more confused than the kid.

Plato said that the job of an educator is to teach the student what it is they should love. In our society, the idea of teaching someone what they should and should not love is the height of intolerance. All of this is the fruit of subjectivity. Moreover, subjectivity is the fruit of godlessness. When we look away from God we loose any foundational ground to stand upon. God must always be the starting point for all things otherwise we cannot make sense of anything  (Why should "sense" mean anything if there is no God who affirms logic?). C.S. Lewis deals wonderfully (as usual) with this problem in his book The Problem of Pain. He states:

When we want to be something other than the thing God wants us to be, we must be wanting what, in fact, will not make us happy. (pg. 46)

In this quote Lewis uses objective markers to guide human happiness (i.e. what God wants us to be). Lewis is showing how in every case that we want something there is a standard by which our wants can be measured. If our wants are in line with God's wants for us, then our wants are good and will bring us joy. However, if our wants are opposed to what God wants for us then we must have faith and believe that God's ways are better.

Food for thought.


Lord's Prayer Meditation: “Lead”

BBC: Genesis 15:4-6