The deconstruction of Christmas into an individualistic event is not something I am familiar with. Communion with Christ comes with communion with the church.
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.
All tagged Deliverance to the Captives
The deconstruction of Christmas into an individualistic event is not something I am familiar with. Communion with Christ comes with communion with the church.
Christians are not permitted to sit on their hands or twiddle their thumbs. There is a positive action that the Christian can take. This is where Barth's reoccurring but never entirely dominate view on prayer sneaks into view. Prayer remains an action for the Christian to communicate dependence upon God—it is an anti-anxiety action.
Outside of concern about my feelings towards Barth's view of inerrancy, the only question I receive more often is what books I recommend reading.
Every Christian will appreciate the thoroughness of His gospel presentation — Christ is God's good word of reconciliation for the world.
Barth's emphatic preaching of God's positive word of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child reminds me of my Lutheran brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is a full death and not a partial death. It is not a death that retains our best parts. Jesus Christ dies for the whole of who we are.
"The Lord of heaven and earth, the eternal God who deemed it not too high and not too low to become like us so that we may become his." - Karl Barth
"Grant today to the whole Christian church and to the world as well that many may break through the glitter and vanity of the holiday season and truly celebrate Christmas with us." - Karl Barth