Torrey Gazette

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2014 Reflections: An Open Letter to TG Writers


  To the guest writers (including those to be revealed in the December Guest Series),

We disagree on significant things. We see eye-to-eye on enduring one another. Your articles have been a refreshing voice even when they were dissenting voices. Perhaps even because they are dissenting voices. For those who have written on things of which we agree, thank you for being articulate in ways I could not. Y'all's willingness to to put together pieces let me and my wife take time off from writing in November and now you're doing it again in December. Thank you.  I look forward to publishing more of your dissenting voices in 2015. I look forward to promoting our agreements.

  To Hannah Knapp,

You were the first person I asked to write with us. That was intentional but it came with some apprehensions. Up until that point TG was merely a family site. We remain grateful for the budding friendship that continues between both couples. We're sorry we can't make it to the wedding. I'm sure Campbell will look beautiful. I'm confident that marriage will spark a new fervor for Christ as well as fun blog ideas. So yes, in 2015 I'd like to read more from you. Perhaps on art. Perhaps on just random things I could not imagine. But if you don't I'll just dock it from your pay.   :-)

  To Michael Hansen,

I asked you to come on because you wrote regularly about things I enjoyed reading. Yet, upon bringing you here you stopped writing soccer articles. This has been unacceptable. You've made up for it with a great series on liturgy as well as some book reviews. You write more than any of us and I enjoy reading your stuff as I schedule our provocative tweets and FB status. I couldn't ask for anything more. In 2015 there should be more book reviews, a couple recorded google hangouts, and maybe even a podcast. And we'll probably need to do a series on bourbon. Buckle up, Christmas is simply the lull before a long year. Let's see if we can't get you an N.T. Wright book to review!

  To Alaina Torrey,

Well, what can I say? You've proofread +80 book reviews this year. That doesn't even communicate the number of blog posts you chopped to pieces. You've endured me talking about a book for weeks before and after its review. You've endured my drivel as I formed my thoughts for a post out loud. Endless beer runs. Crazy nights of writing or reading while we try to bathe the children. You've written mostly as an outlet for things you want to remember. 2015 will hopefully have more book reviews written by you. More pictures posts (of Olivia). Hopefully a couple "session series" about education and schooling. Maybe even fewer beer runs. Okay not that last one.

None of this would happen without you. Thanks for joining me on the crazy adventure that is Torrey Gazette even though you didn't like the name at first because I had misspelled it. In due time, this will be a living document of our lives for our children, grandchildren, and their children. Let's give them something worth while to read.

- Joshua