No View Apart From Fog
Whistler Olympic Village
We vacationed recently. And by we, I mean my husband and I – no kids (other than little Olivia, who is slightly un-attachable!). The time was wonderful and the destination, Vancouver BC in Canada, almost perfect and rather inspiring. So inspiring that I’m going to try my hand at a writing style I’ve never really understood – stream of conciousness…not because this trip created comprehension, but because it seems to fit how I’ve been thinking and processing the time we spent and experiences we had. You have been forewarned - this may be awful.
View of North Vancouver
Stanley Park stroll
Sun Yet Sen Traditional Chinese Gardens
Rain that falls in gentle drops are hardly rain at all more similar to those random drops from expansive oaks hours after a Texas thunderstorm although that biting wind angers.
Wonder what those kids are up to and what do I say to this man next to me when there are no updates about his offspring he looks rather dashing in that coat too bad we aren’t likely to see these temps after leaving Canada well maybe not too bad since I’ve been wearing leggings every day under my jeans and pants what a way to survive.
Can anyone living in the heart of a metropolis ever really hear themselves think?
Horse hooves are distinctive sounds and cops ride heavy animals but I only have Joshua’s say that's what it was perhaps it was Mounties and I missed seeing a Canadian cultural icon which did occur in mistakenly viewing a museum of fashion rather than the Museum of Anthropology so upsettingly frustrated lets eat shwarma.
Paprika makes everything better I stand by that put it in my hot cocoa or on that amazing braised lamb from the Greek restaurant actually keep it off the lamb it was divine but I did envy the delicious looking French fries on other patrons plates until having chicken pot pie poutine up in Whistler any country that develops main dishes around French fries has my vote plus it snowed! I caught snowflakes on my tongue Texas girl should have worn a lone star shirt.
Too long without my babies pain physical pain stabbing with every breath until the sharp cold takes my breath away where is our umbrella of course it was left in the airport hotel my single useful souvenir at least made it into one picture morbidly at the mountaintop cemetery no view apart from fog.
Shafts of sunlight burn a city of glass then clouds restore them and a seaplane slices between blue and grey skies why didn’t we book a seaplane ride Joshua did walk a suspension bridge discretely masking his fear although that step onto an open air grate over the chasm made him jump back to steel safety true confession it startled my heart a bit too.
Will we ever get to do this again rekindle love with young-ish selves in faraway lands led by whims of fancy Lord God let me not focus so intently on self and lose sight of true self directed by You, serving these precious ones loving giving forgiving birthing supporting.
Mountain View Cemetery