All tagged Through New Eyes

Covenant Through New Eyes: Part 7 – The World of the Temple

In the World of the Temple we have interplay between the storylines of the king(s) (Saul/David/Solomon), the priesthood (Ithamar/Ahimelech/Abiathar vs. Eleazar/Zadok), the Ark, and the Temple, among other things. Unfaithfulness in these areas tends toward the breaking down of the old order while faithfulness in these areas tends towards the establishment of a new world.

Covenant Through New Eyes: Part 5 – The World of the Patriarchs

n the world of the patriarchs god's focus zooms in from the world of Noah to the land of Canaan. It focus from the entire world or 70 nations to just one land and one nation, Israel. Mankind has taken a step of maturation, in God's covenant with Abraham, to where he is now a priest to the nations. The symbolism of dust, stars, trees, altars, pillars and wells is more complicated and simultaneously more glorious. God is moving humanity and His creation back to the garden. But, as we will see, God chooses to move humanity back to the garden in a way that concludes more gloriously than the Garden began, a garden city, New Jerusalem.