
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Go Team USA!

Go Team USA!

Reader Update: What was lost has been found! My wonderful child, Kenzie Abigail, managed to unearth the two library books that had gone AWOL last week – Hip Hip Hurray!!

 Latin America. I envision tropics, treasures, poetic shopkeepers and philosopher cowboys. We have yet to travel to this mythical land, so I eagerly anticipated this week of our Summer Reading Club. In addition – Brazil. Rio. OLYPMICS! We are slightly obsessed with the events and the spectacle of the games, so “traveling” to Latin America during an Olympic week held on the largest country in the region has proven perfect.


 Even Olivia participated in the reading this week, carrying around our favorite title My Little Island by Frane Lessac, and loudly demanding it be read to her continuously. The illustrations are vibrant and fill the page with a setting foreign yet relatable. A child of the island returns with a friend to share with him the food, natural beauty, and wonderful customs of this Latin American island. Highly recommended by every age in our household!

 Biblioburro by Jeanette Winter, is based on a true story from the hills of Columbia. The poor main character is beset with an issue common to our household – too many books! What follows is a fun adventure bringing children the joy of reading. The burros ended up being favorite characters, leaving me with the explanation that we do not actually possess enough space in our suburban backyard for little burros of our own.

 Maps were eagerly anticipated this week, primarily due to the presence of Brazil in our home (thank you NBC Sports Streaming!). The first country colored by each kiddos was, in fact, Brazil, a feat easy to accomplish considering its size! We acquired a globe this week from my mom, and this mama nearly fell out of her chair when Judah spun the globe and found Brazil, first try — no problem. It’s our first foray into 3D images of maps, yet he took to it with ease.

 Our summer of worldwide travel is down to its last week. We brave Oceania next week with books I have secretly been pre-reading, they are that enticing. In setting a global foundation for my children I hope and pray to instill in them a wonder at all God has made, and a love for every person who bears His image. Thank you for traveling the road with us, see you next week for our final “port of call!”

Family Interview - with Pictures

Family Interview - with Pictures

Humility in God's Generational Faithfulness

Humility in God's Generational Faithfulness