Torrey Gazette

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PSA: Facebook church? I'm not impressed

PSA: Through the years I noticed on a number of occasions that Facebook is one way for Christians who haven't been able to get along with other real-life Christians in a real-life church to intermittently commiserate with each other and pretend it's spiritual fellowship. Let's just say, I'm not impressed with that version of "don't forsake your assembling together." And your gossiping to each other about everyone else isn't a "prayer request." And your "concerns" are just a fancy way of complaining. Commiseration, superficiality, gossip, self-focus, and complaining: the new spiritual gifts that keep on giving!

It cracks me up! I remember this same stuff from when I was a kid. The more things change the more they stay the same. Why not show me your faith by your works rather than by your ability to blame everyone else for your lack of spiritual maturity? What if you are not the victim but actually the problem?

The way forward is A) believing God's Word, and B) obeying it by the Spirit's strength... and I probably should say more about that, but back to your problem: Your perpetual dissatisfaction with other Christians says much more about you than them. God's way forward for you is submission to a biblical church and growth in a sincere love of other Christians. If you're already in a church, please stay there unless they are heretical, or you're moving, or you have their blessing. There are some greener pastures, I'm sure, but I frankly doubt your ability to find them. The sovereign, all-knowing God of the universe places His dopey little sheep in particular sheepfolds with particular under-shepherds for a reason. So, you jumping pastures won't help you get past your own sins and weaknesses! Learn how to get along in God's service, with the love and help of Christ, with real people. It's good for you. The more you separate yourself from other Christians the more worldly or weird you'll get. And worldly or weird aren't spiritual gifts either!  

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