
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Round 2 - Feb's Week of Photos

Round 2 - Feb's Week of Photos

The much anticipated return of: PHOTO WEEK! Technically, the third week would have been last week....but pretty much every picture would have been a screen shot of the Olympic event we watched that day. Now that the festivities have completed: back to everyday life!

Thursday - My new daily apple. Yummy.

Thursday - My new daily apple. Yummy.

Every week ought to start with a gift. Granted, Thursday isn't the start of any week other than my "Week in Photo's" - but I'll take it, and my husband who likes me a bit, well he gave it.

Hello MacBook Pro. Meet your 7 yr-old predecessor, MacBook. He's still going strong (albeit hooked up to 24/7 battery-support), so the bar is high. Then again, Mr. Pro has back-lit keys - I'm pretty much already in love.

Good friends, yummy drinks, and card games of world domination. Perfect way to kick start the weekend! If only I could start actually winning at our game nights....

Friday - GAME NIGHT!

Friday - GAME NIGHT!

Saturday - Just getting to see our favorite musical EVER

Saturday - Just getting to see our favorite musical EVER

Captivating fractured fairytale put to phenomenal music? All over it. Luckily, I married a man of good taste, so he's been just as excited as I to finally see Wicked on stage. Magic from opening note to curtain call.

Sunday - Judah Markus, what a kid!

Sunday - Judah Markus, what a kid!

We've fallen into a Sunday routine that includes sharing (foisting) our eldest with her grandparents after church. This ideally leaves us free to nap easier....but lately its turned into the "second-born posing as the only child" act. And it's a rather entertaining show. 

Monday - Here pictured : my hero

Monday - Here pictured : my hero

Because what would we do with warmer weather except catch cold? Sinus infection central: "help me Aloe Vera Tissue, you're my only hope!"

Tuesday - Celebrate Russia! 

Tuesday - Celebrate Russia! 

International travel does not appear to be in our near future. To fill the void I decided we would "study" one country a month - including a night of "authentic" dishes from that country. I bring you 'Onion & Cheese Baked Salmon.' Joshua jumped on board by deciding to include beverages  - hence the bottle of vodka. 

I am not known for my fashion sense....in fact that whole socks with sandals fiasco in the late ninetys? - card carrying member. But I do know these socks make a statement only a mother can love. Which is why I snapped the picture. That and because Little One seems to have the makings of an actual fashionista...which makes this photo prime for blackmail. Mwahahahaha!

Wednesday - Apparently K thought my socks were community property.

Wednesday - Apparently K thought my socks were community property.

Blessed Are the Hungry: Continual Feasting

Lord's Prayer Meditation: “The Evil” is General