Book Review: NIV Integrated Study Bible
Publisher: Zondervan
Reading Level: Leisure
Pages: 1472
*Reviews of Bibles will depart from other reviews. They will include first person. They will address the feature content as it pertains directly to my theological positions.*
There are many study Bibles on the market. Filled with notes explaining the text, these study Bibles owe their popularity to the many different systematic opinions available. The increase in study Bibles has been mirrored by a demand for Bibles in chronological order. The NIV Integrated Study Bible (henceforth NIVISB) offers a unique expression of these recently popularized “chronological Bibles.” This distinction finds expression in the presentation of parallel passages side-by-side as the text moves chronologically. Lacking the study notes often associated with a “study Bible,” the NIVISB encourages the direct study of the Biblical text in chronological context alongside other Scripture. There is nothing to distract from the Scriptures themselves (one of my common complaints with devotional Bibles).
In practice, the parallel passages in the NIVISB can be intimidating and difficult to read. Individuals seeking to take full advantage of the Bible should read through the introduction (vii-ix) and utilize the “Scripture Index” (1447-1458) frequently. These features will help facilitate productive reading and studying. The hardback edition does not include ribbon markers, however, these would be beneficial in consulting the “Scripture Index” more efficiently. Despite not having ribbon markers, the other resources make the multicolumn passages excellent study opportunities throughout the Scriptures but particularly in the law (Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy), the histories (1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings) and the gospels.
Example picture from Genesis 5
Example picture from the Torah
Example picture from the genealogy of Jesus
In conclusion, the NIV Integrated Study Bible is both the best chronological Bible available and the best-suited single volume for studying parallel passages. The simplicity and ease with which this can be accomplished is an added benefit. Laymen and teachers alike will benefit greatly from the efforts put forth in this study Bible.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.