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BBC: Genesis 2:21-22

BBC: Genesis 2:21-22

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. - Genesis 2:21-22

It is appropriate to request of the text some type of harmony with the pattern described on the sixth day (Gen 1:26-28). The forming of Eve is intended to be communicated as an event that occurred on the sixth day. The sleep of Adam has a unique role in the writing of Moses (Gen 15:12) and likewise here we see the breaking of flesh to produce the helper suitable for Adam. Timid and humble typology may in fact postulate here the birth of the church from the wounded side of Christ.

The "making" of Eve is like no other. This is principally because she was not created from nothing but derived out of the flesh from Adam (Gen 2:23). Yet again a humble typology could see the flesh of Christ being necessary for the unique creation of the church (John 6:51-58). Significantly God brings Eve unto Adam. Thought beyond the depth of this text, I perceive Paul to describe this (Eph 4:13; 5:27) and also John (Rev 21:2, 9-10).

*The Bible Blogging Commentary is a slow and simple treading of the Scriptures. No quotes from other theologians and no explicit Greek/Hebrew lessons.*

Matthew 16:27-28 - Don Preston Review #23

My Take: Immersion

My Take: Immersion