This chapter was great. It was almost a "buy the book for this chapter alone" type caliber. It's brevity was bittersweet but it will remain in ones mind for a long time.
The banquet table imagery of the wisdom literature is brought full circle by Dr Leithart. From the full blown contrast between Wisdom and Folly (Proverbs) to the intimacy of "one flesh" (Song of Solomon), the meaning of the banquet table and who we eat with is throttled to the max.
Paul would speak about sharing table with Christ and demons. Paul would speak about being united with Christ or the temple prostitute. Many today lack the understanding that prompted Paul to speak in these ways. But Dr Leithart brings them back through a careful weaving of the wisdom literature as it was built off the food laws of Israel.
The old adage "you are what you eat" may in fact be true when you consider the clean/unclean nature of the old Israel food laws. What stuck me as profound is that God freed us from the "unclean" by offering us His Son to become our meal. By eating of Christ we become the body of Christ.
But what if the church isn't becoming the body of Christ? Well then we need to start asking ourselves what exactly we are eating.