Pastors, Food, and Jesus - a Baptist Conference


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Pastors, Food, and Jesus - a Baptist Conference

Pastors, Food, and Jesus - a Baptist Conference

 Initially, the plan was to exposit the Expositor’s Conference we attended last week. Then, it was uncovered that my skill in expositing runs to dry bones, dull even to me. Dull the conference most definitely was not. So I give you this: the 2014 Expositor’s Conference at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church according to me. Enjoy.

 Pastors. Everywhere. Some lucky enough to be accompanied by spouse, two by spouse and children (one being Joshua). An extraordinarily lucky chap had spouse, child and grandchildren as entourage – my father-in-law. It was a pastor’s conference - I ought to have been prepared.

 Food. Everywhere. Christ Fellowship provided Breakfast, Lunch, and two Dinners. I capitalize them because they deserve it. Home cooked (save one shout out to Chik-Fil-A sandwiches – no complaints here), and served by women of the church, these meals were phenomenal. Then there was the “refreshment room” – always fully stocked with everything. Literally. There were plums. Delicious, juicy plums. Did I mention the Dessert Social on Monday evening? Empty cake carriers lined the walls, tribute to the lovingly baked, scrumptious (and enormous) slices along the tables.

 Jesus. Throughout the Old Testament.  Stands to reason since the conference concerned preaching Christ in the Old Testament. Steve Lawson considered Christ’s fulfillment of the messianic prophecies found throughout wisdom literature, but specifically (expositorily) in three Psalms. Lawson’s subtitle for the conference was clearly God’s sovereignty, communicated in wild gestures and thundering tones – emulating the oft-mentioned Jonathon Edwards. Alistar Begg sought Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King in the Old Testament, skillfully weaving encouragement and exhortation throughout his exposition of our Savior. In true Begg fashion, noses were bloodied as he refused to pull punches. The pastors heard honest affirmation of hard times in ministry (could you imagine A. Begg as your postal worker? Apparently, that’s his fall back), yet also endured honest assessments of their theological acumen (less than that of a 14 yr old catechized boy in Scotland). Bees in their bonnets. Both speakers.

 Scriptures were opened and expounded. Christ was proclaimed in glory, to the praise of the Father in the affirmation of the Spirit. Great hymns were sung (including my all time favorite – And Can It Be). Had we taken communion together at the Lord’s table it may have been perfect. According to me, of course. 

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