Dad, holding Kenzie and sitting with the Youth Pastor he worked with at FBC Pearsall!
I'll admit it, I'm behind the 8 ball on this one….but hey, the birthday we were celebrating was 60 years in the making, what’s a few days?! You heard right, my dad turned 60 years young on October 30th. We had a “surprise” party (he’s far too intuitive and I too transparent for a total surprise to be accomplished) the Saturday before his birthday.
As “host” of the party I failed completely in my duties as photographer, but I did manage the few shots posted here. October 2013 not only marks my dad’s 60 years around the sun, but also his tenth year as pastor of Pine Ridge Baptist Church. His church family helped with set up, food prep, and fellowship – the church hospitality director even sacrificed a cut finger while helping me assemble table centerpieces!
Mom, with Kenzie (how does she make it into every photo?!) and former church members from Dad's first pastorate: FBC China (Texas!).
Finally, Judah makes it into the frame! His post is Sam, my dad's youngest brother.
As much fun as it was to see family, friends, and the man of the hour, my dad, the true joy came with the party prep. As part of the decorations I created a musical timeline through my dad's life, highlighting each decade. An activity like that will quickly bring into focus that one's dad is a person in his own right! As a group "gift" I contacted everyone I could think of (as well as those I didn't know but of whom others informed me) to help write down memories, stories, poems, letters in order to fill 60 envelopes. These writings, in conjunction with piecing together major events in my dad's life, brought to the forefront the impact one life lived unto the glory of God can have.
My dad is my hero, my greatest teacher, my tireless cheerleader, and my example of Godly living. His 60 years constantly point back to the Creator God, evidenced in the moments on his timeline, and the letters in his envelopes. What a wonderful example! May I do the same and more for my children and children's children. Love you Dad, Happy Birthday!