Torrey Gazette

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Losing With Class: Scott Brook's Speech to His Team

So in a previous post I explained why I'm glad for Lebron James winning his first ever NBA title. That does not mean that I was necessarily rooting against the Thunder. In fact I think the Thunder are one of the most upstanding sports organizations in all of professional sports. This video shows clearly how classy of a team and especially Scott Brooks as a coach is. Check it out! [youtube]

One of the coolest things about this video is how Scott Brooks looks at his players, knowing that they have just lost an NBA Championship, and tells them "we lost, fair and square". In our day and time I cannot remember the last time I have heard anyone, whether in professional sports or anything else, say "we got beat fair and square". The reason why is that this takes maturity and consequently the ability to take responsibility for loosing.

In our culture, especially in sports, loosing has become so unacceptable that it seems that no one is willing to take responsibility for it. What I believe is most devastating about this reality is the way in which it takes away from those who have earned victory. Shifting responsibility for loosing not only is immature but it is also unsportsmanlike because it cheapens the victory for the team that earned it.

I am thankful for coaches like Scott Brooks and teams like the OKC Thunder. I am wishing the best for them in this upcoming NBA season because after seeing their humility in defeat I want to see what gracious and humble winners they are.
