Torrey Gazette

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Another Round of True Confessions

After reading Danielle's post on emotional currency (being INFJ) I went and took every online test I could. Yup. I'm a match. Maybe that helps explains some of my more odd quirks. I'll leave that up to you as I provide a slightly less theological and possibly more neurotic list of confessions.

  • I hate making phone calls. In my defense, I have gotten better in the last year. But there were many years where I had Alaina make all phone calls.
  • I have a sharp disdain for going to new places. Despite not being "afraid," it raises all kinds of anxiety in me. Going somewhere someone has already been helps relieve that.
  • The experiences and stories of other people practical soak into me. I can't help but personalize it. It rattles me pretty easily. Books, movies, and stories on certain subjects can affect my mood for weeks. I have to be very careful to compensate in my home when my mood has taken a turn for the worst.
  • Whiskey and wrestling with kids are crucial to my sanity.
  • I can be paralyzed by over thinking a person's opinion/response to a situation/decision.
  • In a stroke of irony though, I couldn't care less about people's approval of my actions.
  • Sometimes I will reject a decision/response because it will present positive approval/responses from people when I'd rather just be left alone. I often choose the path of least participation. Resistance be damned.
  • Friday is regularly "anxiety day." What am I anxious about? Nothing I could put a finger on but once it starts it feeds off itself. I've been launched into a bad evening because someone at Walmart took the last two packages of marked down chicken.
  • Music is essential to my daily sanity. Sometimes though, the wrong music can make my day worse.

Well, there you go. Now you all will know I'm psycho. What are some of your #TrueConfessions?