Torrey Gazette

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Welcome to St. Anne's Manor

Welcome to St. Anne's Manor!

If you're new to St. Anne's or Torrey Gazette in general then I encourage you to click your way around the site. If you hover your mouse over "BLOGS" at the top of the page then you'll find the four blogs hosted by Torrey Gazette (including this one!). Click on "BOOK REVIEWS" and check out some of the awesome books that are being reviewed by the site (be sure to check back there often for giveaways!).

That being said let me introduce myself and this blog!

My name is Michael Hansen. I live with my wife (Caroline) & our dog (Beau) in Athens, GA. We are members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church. I received my BA in English from Kennesaw State University with an emphasis on Walker Percy. I currently work for an educational outreach program hosted by the University of Georgia. I love to read books on theology, liturgy, and cultural formation not to mention quality fiction.

In many ways St. Anne's Manor will serve as a writing outlet for my reading. A majority of the posts will act as commentary to interesting passages from books that I am currently reading.

The name "St. Anne's Manor" comes from C.S. Lewis' work of fiction That Hideous Strength (the final installment of his Space Trilogy). The book revolves around two different communities: N.I.C.E, a sinister governmental agency bent on world domination & St. Anne's Manor, a small band of [seemingly] ordinary people working to subvert the machinations of N.I.C.E. What makes St. Anne's Manor such a unique place in That Hideous Strength is the way in which they work to subvert N.I.C.E. Ultimately, it is through the descent of the "gods" upon their faithfulness that destroys N.I.C.E and brings restoration.


– Michael