Torrey Gazette

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Weekly Roundup | Feb. 10-14

Make sure to click the links to this weeks posts in case you missed any!

Monday: Why Books are Important

Is there significance to the fact that this world was created by words? Furthermore, is it important that Jesus is known as the "Word become flesh"? If so what are the implications for the Christian understanding and attitude toward literature? I give my thoughts in this post.

Tuesday: Gay College Football Players & American Politics

In lieu of Michael Sam's announcement that he is gay and the subsequent reaction of the American public & political realm, I offer my thoughts on what it all reveals about America's sentiments.

Wednesday: Nothing to Hope For & Nothing to Fear | Nothing to Gain & Nothing to Lose

This is a short post in which I quote Dr. Theodore Dalrymple and his perspective on the welfare state.

Thursday: Why Forrest Gump & Lieutenant Dan Have a Better Understanding of God than Many American Christians

Many Christians refuse to ascribe responsibility to God when tragedy hits. Is this response biblical? I way this against what the Bible (& Forrest Gump) teaches and find it wanting.

Until Monday

Lots of food for thought!
