Torrey Gazette

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Post Tenebras, Lux - John Calvin

The title of this blog is "Brief Inquisition?" and I have written a post on why I have named it that here. However, I have recently changed the "tagline" of my blog to "Post Tenebras, Lux" and I thought I would use a post to explain that phrase.

"Post Tenebras Lux" was a Latin phrase used by John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland during the Protestant Reformation. The English translation is, "After Darkness, Light". For Calvin the phrase encapsulated what he felt the period of the Reformation was all about. After years of the Gospel Light being covered up the Reformation brought about an unveiling of the Gospel Light from the scripture.

I think this is such a cool phrase with such a rich history. John Piper & Desiring God produced this wonderful video which introduced me to this idea. Check it out if your interested!

Pretty cool huh!?
