
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Episode 15 - Brandy, Beer & I'm Batman

Episode 15 - Brandy, Beer & I'm Batman

Joshua and Corey discuss the recent Hollywood Blockbuster "flop" (financially) Batman v. Superman. Why have Warner Brothers tried to push the DC development so quickly? The audience response to this jam-packed movie has been negative. Joshua and Corey begin to discuss their problems with the movie.

E&J VSOP Brandy.

Live Oak Pilz.

Batman v Superman. Corey's Review. Joshua's Review.

Podcast link on iTunes.

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Epsiode 16 - Wonder Woman Smells of Elderberry

Epsiode 16 - Wonder Woman Smells of Elderberry

Episode 14 - Academia & Antinomianism

Episode 14 - Academia & Antinomianism