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Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

I don't do movie reviews often. And frankly, most of what I need to say is present here in my podcast time with my friend Chad. For reals, I kept the guy awake through an hour of my meandering, so please go give a listen.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is the music. The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie made us care about soundtracks in a way no previous Marvel movie had. It was special, beneficial, and ultimately stand out among Marvel movies. Nothing changes in the sequel. Though the surprise element is lacking, the level to which the music engages the plot and story is unique to most films.

The second thing to be addressed is the cinematography. There is a lot to be appreciated in this film. Contrasts are at an all time high. The CGI is good although not groundbreaking. The visuals are worth seeing in the theater, but you won't be writing home about them either. From a strict perspective, this was one of the poorest cinematography efforts in the Marvel universe. It had good high points, but the movie in its entirety was incredibly bland. 

So finally I arrive at the story. Guardians Vol. 2 actually occurs just months after the first film. It remains ignorant of all of the earth's developments. There is no mistaking Guardians Vol. 2 as a stand alone film. It occurs in a universe much larger than itself. As such, it's full volume and import requires seeing it in this wider scope. This movie is the only development the team gets between Guardians Vol. 1 and Avengers 3. It might meander, but this movie is absolutely necessary.

That the movie can provide character depth for everyone (some of it is forced ... go listen to the podcast) while being incredibly funny is amazing. The heart of the first movie isn't just duplicated here. There is growth—and some slip ups—that makes the humor almost as unique as the first movie.

In conclusion, this isn't the best Marvel movie to date. But it's going to rank among the "most fun" for sure. Go see it.

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