
Torrey Gazette is the combined work of everyday Christians blogging on books, family, art, and theology. So pull up a seat and join us. Family Table rules apply. Shouting is totally acceptable.

Weary of Worldview

Christians, more than ever, seem to be obsessed with the concept of "worldview." Yet, ironically, we have subjected the very concept of "worldview" to the same sort of scrutiny that we claim to be applying to everything else when we talk about "worldview." Here's a short thought from Peter Leithart that should give you a little pause:

Christians have good reason to distrust any approach to life and history that assumes the primacy of ideas [worldview thinking]. For Christians..."truth" is not found in a system of ideas, but in a Person, Jesus Christ. Our calling is not to develop a complete perspective on the world, but to follow Jesus. To be sure, being a disciple involves loving Jesus with our whole minds, and seeking to conform our minds to the Word of God. But it also involves conforming our hands, feet, hearts, back, arms, legs, and ears to the Word of God, not to mention our relationships with the world and with others.

This is a short taste from an article in which Letihart dismantles the "worldviewcentric" approach that seems to have thoroughly invaded the church! Read it here.

Food for thought!


Program Interruption (The Commercial Conspiracy!)

Christology in Isaiah 13

Christology in Isaiah 13